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Hanmer Springs Anglican Church

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33 jollies Pass Road
Hanmer springs, Hurunui New Zealand

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September 2019

Li’l Chuck Live in Hanmer Springs

September 21, 2019 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm NZST
Hanmer Springs Anglican Church, 33 jollies Pass Road
Hanmer springs, Hurunui New Zealand
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Li'l  Chuck  The One Man Skiffle Machine An authentic one man band performing “good time music with old time style” Having spent a lifetime rummaging through the drawers of 1930's - 50's music,  Chuck’s  songs are inspired by the sounds of the era - Blues, Early Jazz, Western Swing, Ragtime etc. and are uniquely presented in the style of street performers from those glory days. Sticking to the traditional one man band format, Chuck plays all the instruments simultaneously. Captivating story telling intertwines effortlessly with heart stopping harmonica.…

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